Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Foundation provide more than professional development? What resources are available through the Foundation?

We believe that professional development (or any other resource) is most impactful when coupled with a plan for implementation and sustainability, rather than utilized in isolation. We support schools in developing this plan through partnering with school leaders and staff and engaging in meaningful dialogue around this work. Through these conversations, we determine appropriate resources and the support necessary to utilize them in a sustainable way.

What is the application process to become a partnership school?

We appreciate your interest! We ask that all inquiries/questions come through this inquiry form. Once received, a member of our team will contact you. 

Do you work with special education teachers?

We work from a whole school approach. We believe in access for all students. In order for all students to have access in the general education setting, all educators need access to a clear school vision, professional development on inclusive and equitable practices, and support in setting goals for professional growth.

What is the duration of the partnership?

The length of the partnership is really dependent on the school. We used to have a finite amount of time in mind. Through our experience, we’ve learned it’s not effective to predetermine the duration of the partnership. However, we scaffold our support so that over time a school is positioned to carry on the work independently of us.

What conditions best position a school for transformation?

The conditions for change start with school administrators who are reflective and see themselves as agents of change. They dig into the work with staff through modeling and scaffolding.